Colombia Huila Orange Bourbon
Colombia Huila Orange Bourbon
Colombia is making great strides in traceability, quality, and responsible farming. This washed process microlot came from the Huila region via the San Agustin co-op. Orange Bourbon is related to Pink Bourbon and is of Ethiopian descent. The trees doesn't produce much and it doesn't live very long. So even though it has a good reputation for how it tastes, it's very rarely grown and has to cost a lot to warrant the hassle.
Orange Bourbon coffee tastes like it is from a different generation of coffee. Back when coffee was less complicated -- it's sweet, not bitter, but not fruity. Has chocolate and a slight winey white grape note. Comforting. Trustworthy. You pretty much want to roast it like a regular Colombia washed process coffee. For us, that means just shy of 2nd cracks.
Producing orange bourbon coffee requires a crazy amount of labor and passion and it may be a while before you seen one for sale again. It's not cheap, but it's a labor of love.
US Arrival December 2023