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Green Coffee

Brazil Elephant Bean

Brazil Elephant Bean

Regular price $7.25
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This variety of coffee is called Maragogype and nicknamed the Elephant Bean because it is the largest known coffee bean varietal and looks wrinkled. While they are always a novelty to see, these giant beans only taste special when grown in very specific conditions.

I didn't have high hopes for this one, but it's one of the best tasting Brazilian coffees I've ever come across. In medium roasts your have floral, peach, and sugar notes with a clean finish. Once you take it into the second cracks it's great espresso, with some of the floral complexity coming through beneath the bitter chocolate of the espresso.

It was grown on a single estate in Minas Gerais. The farm is Sitio Monte Santo. (Sitio just means farm).

This is a natural-processed coffee which gives it more complexity, but you don't roast it like a natural process -- you still crank it up and take it medium to dark. 

US arrival: January 2025