Colombia Cauca Pink Bourbon Natural
Colombia Cauca Pink Bourbon Natural
Colombia is making great strides in traceability, quality, and responsible farming. This microlot came from the Cauca region via the Juan Martin farm (named from the farmer's name who runs it). He is a crazy passionate experimental farmer who decided to try growing the pink bourbon varietal. It's a hybrid of yellow bourbon and red bourbon and you have to plant it from seed and wait three years. It doesn't produce much and it doesn't live very long. It's hard to know when to harvest because the fruit is pink when it's ripe, and with other coffees, pink means unripe. If you wait for this one to turn red it spoils.
Pink Bourbon coffee tastes magical. Not like coffee. It tastes like lavender lemonade. Like magical berries. Like dream candy. He dried it under the sun, so it's a natural process bean and has to be roasted really light -- barely out of 1st cracks -- we use an Ethiopia roasting profile.
Maybe it's not the most amazing coffee you've ever tasted, but it really is magical and has a crazy amount of labor and passion behind it. We are tasting cranberry, rhubarb, flowers, citrus, sugar. Everything about this coffee is so cool. We're sharing it with everyone who walks in the door just to see their reaction. It's not cheap, but it's a labor of love.
US Arrival August 2022