Peru Café Succhia
Peru Café Succhia
The big two South American coffee producers are Brazil and Colombia. Most of it quite bad -- the cheapest coffees on the market and most abundant. Both are known for high acidity, and quite often a dirty aftertaste. Most of it ends up in French roast and commercial blends. But the Peru crop is a different South American coffee altogether. Peru coffees tend to be cleaner and smoother. And if you get the really good ones, they are very clean, and very low acid. Furthermore, organic Colombians and Brazils are hard to find, but organic Perus are fairly abundant. So abundant that there’s very little premium over the non-organic crops. Hence, Peru has become my recommendation to customers who want a nice dark roast coffee, and an economical option for those who want affordable organic certified coffee.
This crop is from a small co-op of farmers, and they are doing a great job. It is grown on the eastern slopes of the northern Andean Rainforest at 5,000 feet above sea level. Besides that, the purchase of this coffee supports the re-forestation of their rainforest, the growth of this co-op, improvements in processing equipment, and societal improvements such as roads, credit banks, and health projects.
This is not a complex coffee. It is not acidic, and it is not earthy. We love using this coffee as a flavoring base because there's nothing competing with the flavoring and it is inexpensive. In light roasts (full city, 407 degrees) this coffee shows off hints of cocoa and lemon with remarkable smooth, sweet, delicate flavor. A little boring, but certainly drinkable and nothing offensive in the taste. But it’s high enough up the mountain that you can roast it as dark as you want without turning it into ash. I like it just into the rolling 2nd cracks as a nice smooth traditional morning brew. It’s also a fantastic espresso base 20 seconds into the 2nds, and an ideal French roast coffee as dark as you like..try 50 seconds into the 2nd cracks, add some cream, and enjoy the sweetest strongest coffee you’ve had in quite some time.
This is the February 2018 arrival.