
Hawaii actually grows coffee on all of their islands, not just the famous Kona. However, only the Kona is going to taste like Kona. And all of the Kona is very expensive, but only Extra Fancy grade should really be considered if you want a treat.  Iit is a washed-process coffee, but it is best roasted light – let it out before you hit the 2nd cracks.In recent years, Hawaii has had a terrible war with the Coffee Bean Borer and crop levels are very low, particularly among the organic farms.  Only in the past couple of years has supply started to increase again.

The islands of MauiOahu, and Kauai produce coffees that are good in their own rights.Maui is the most organized of the three and also the most expensive.They are all good coffees, but not very good values, as they are priced considerably higher than comparative coffees from other origins.These can be roasted anywhere from verge of 2nd cracks, to a few seconds in.

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