Ethiopia Aleta Wendo Natural
Ethiopia Aleta Wendo Natural
The Sidamo region of Ethiopia is within the Yirgacheffe region, so the taste profiles tend to be similar, especially in the washed coffees. But this is a natural (dry-processed) Sidamo which tend to have red berry flavors and sometimes lemon, milk chocolate, or tea-like characteristics.
This one was grown near the village of Aleta Wendo just south of Sidamo, and it is a real prize. No earthiness or astringency, but a lot of milk chocolate and a lot of fruit (namely strawberry). I’m really happy with it. I’ve been out of stock on good Sidamo for several months because I couldn’t find one I liked enough to buy, but this is it. Strawberry, slight blueberry, sweet, and a sprinkle of cocoa.
It’s a late 1st cracker, so don’t turn your heat down too soon. Roast it into the 1st cracks, then slow it down, don’t go beyond the first cracks too far, and you’ll find an interesting coffee with a light body, a sweet berry beginning, a medium acidity, and a cocoa finish. A great summer coffee, sweet enough that you can drink it hot or iced, clean aftertaste, well processed, well sorted -- we are really happy with this find.
If you take it very far into the 2nd cracks at all, it builds up a bitterness that is unpleasant, so this bean is for light roasts unless you are going to use it in your espresso machine, in which case you can roast it darker (beginning of 2nd cracks) to get a fruity espresso. It is also is an ideal choice for the "Mokka" half of your Mokka-Java blend.