Costa Rica

Growing Regions

Perhaps the gem of the whole continent. Some of the best coffee in the world comes out of Costa Rica, particularly the Tarrazu region, and more specifically, the sub-region of Dota.

Roasting Guide

A quality Costa Rican coffee should be roasted no darker than the start of the 2nd cracks, and in many cases, a lighter roast than this will provide a better mug of coffee. Very light roasts will bring out unpleasant tones of lemon and sourness, but from the 2nd cracks and beyond, burnt tastes quickly develop, and any special quality in the coffee is immediately lost. In-between, you find a sweet spot that gives you a coffee with just the right amount of acidity, body, and complexity. The undertones are not prominent, but certainly there if you’re looking for them. A quality Costa Rica at its best roast will demonstrate floral aroma, delicate taste, sweet grain undertones, and an aftertaste so smooth and sweet you can’t help but get a refill.

With few exceptions, Costa Rican coffee is a washed process coffee.  Honey Processed and Natural Processed microlots are sometimes available in summertime, and tend to be more complex and have a softer taste, still best accustomed to light roasts.


In general, the estates produce better coffee than the co-ops, so it is often more successful to seek out responsible farms instead of fair trade certifications.  The carefully sorted microlots can be some of the best coffee in the world.  

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