Colombia Reserva del Patron
Colombia Reserva del Patron
Only organic coffees from high altitude farms (1600-2200 meters) are considered. Only the best tasting lots of Bourbon, Caturra, and Typica varietals are selected. Then only the few super-large 18+ screensize beans are sorted out and sold as “Proprieter’s Reserve Colombian” — a classic Colombia coffee with traditional taste, mild acidity, and clean sweet aftertaste.
It’s sold by the La Minita guys — they know fine coffee, and only put their name on the best of the best of the best. It’s not a Panama or Ethiopia or a natural processed coffee. It’s a washed process Colombia. It’s normal tasting coffee. But FOR a Colombia, it’s surprisingly good — no defects, no earthy-dirtyness in the taste, pleasant acidity, no bitterness, nice flavor with a hint of nutty and caramel undetones and a buttery mouthfeel. It’s also worth noting that despite Colombia being the 2nd largest producer of arabica coffee in the world, it’s hard to find an organic Colombia, which just makes this all the better of a deal.
Because these are supersized beans that didn’t fall through the screen, all the random artifacts in the coffee ended up in the bag too. In the past I’ve found popcorn kernels, wood, nutshells, and stones, so just be aware! We pick out whatever debris we find before packaging it up for you, but give it a second look after you roast it to double check that you don’t put a stone in your grinder.
Normally this bean is great when you end the roast right before the 2nd cracks begin and drink it straight, or blend it with Guatemala and Sumatra to make a perfect breakfast blend. But this year we are taking it a few degrees lighter then that. Really letting the sweetness and cherry come through. If you take it a little bit darker, it is ideal for espresso. You can also take it dark and enjoy it as a french roast. If you enjoy a cup of old fashioned plain Colombia, but appreciate the difference between good coffee and exceptional coffee, then this is your bean.
US arrival: November 2024